Product Information > JADE Initialization File Reference > Chapter 1 - JADE Initialization File > PdfHelpIdPrefix


String (file-prefix)[, Integer (expanded-identifier-size)]

Not specified


As PDF files require string values as help destinations, the PdfHelpIdPrefix parameter enables you to format a helpContextId property into a string value.

The file‑prefix value is the initial string (which has a maximum length of 100 characters) and the optional expanded‑identifier‑size parameter is a positive integer value that defaults to 1.

The size indicates how many digits to expand the helpContextId property with leading zeroes. For example, a helpContextId property with a value of 527 and a PdfHelpIdPrefix parameter value of myhelp,6 produces "myhelp000527". Conversely, a helpContextId property value of 527 and a PdfHelpIdPrefix parameter value of myhelp,2 produces "myhelp527".

No truncation of the helpContextId property value occurs.


The .hlp and .chm help files support both strings and numbers as help targets.